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WatchGuard Security Week in Review: Episode 57 – 300Gb DDoS

POS Trojans, Android Spear Phishing, and Record DDoS

Extra, Extra, the Internet almost broke (no it didn’t). Read… View all about it!

Too much security news, and too little time? Let me summarize the highlights for you in my weekly InfoSec recap video. This week I cover two trojans targeting point-of-sale (POS) computers, a few software updates, a targeted spear phishing campaign spreading Android malware, and the record-breaking SpamHaus DDoS attack, which didn’t really break the Internet despite some reports. Click play for the details

There were also a ton of other interesting Infosec tidbits this week, beyond what’s in the video. If you’re interested, check out the Reference section below. Stay frosty out there, and have a Happy Easter weekend.

(Episode Runtime: 9:47)

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Episode References:

— Corey Nachreiner, CISSP (@SecAdept)

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