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WatchGuard Security Week in Review: Episode 8

Anonymous Arrests, Security Updates, and Pwn2Own

Another busy security week, another quick video summary. WatchGuard’s Security Week in Review is now up for your viewing pleasure. In this episode, I talk about LulzSec informants, Anonymous arrests, various software security updates, and a popular web browser hacking competition. It turned out to be quite a drama filled week for security, so check out the video below to learn more.

As always, I include an Episode Reference guide below, where you can read more about each of these stories.

Also, I’m looking for your feedback. I’d like to get more people to watch our weekly security podcast. Over the last few weeks, I’ve posted each episode around Friday afternoon, Pacific Standard Time. However, I realize many of you may be leaving for the weekend at this time. So I’d like to ask, when is the best time for you to receive “week in review” subject matter? Should I post our episodes earlier, which may risk missing a few stories from the end of the week? Or would you prefer I post it first thing Monday, so you can learn what happened the week before. If you have an opinion on the matter, let me know in the comments section of this post. (Video Runtime: 8:37)

Episode References:

— Corey Nachreiner, CISSP (@SecAdept)

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